Unfortunately, balding is a widespread problem in the entirety of the United States and in much else of the world as well. For many men, balding is genetic, with up to 95% of all cases of balding attributed to male pattern baldness, a type of alopecia officially known as androgenetic alopecia. There are, of course, a number of other reasons that balding can occur and, in total, more than 35 million men are in some stage of losing their hair. As men grow older, the chances of going bald grow higher. After all, more than half of men will even be experiencing some signs of balding by the time that they reach the still young age of 35, a percentage that rises to 85% when you look at the population of 50 year old men in this country.
It is also important to address that although most sufferers and victims of balding are men, women too can be impacted by balding. After all, everything from genetics to disease can play a role in the balding that is seen among women of all ages (though, as is the case with men, primarily older women). And just like with men, the toll that balding takes on the more than 20 million women who are losing their hair can most certainly be a high one, to say the very least.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways that baldness can be treated in men and women alike. For instance, there are a number of supplements and medications that are supposed to support hair loss. Unfortunately, not many of these have been fully evaluated and approved by the FDA, but some have shown some signs of promise. For many people who are balding, even a placebo effect might be better than nothing at all.
However, there are also more effective and impactful treatments when it comes to reducing the overall signs of balding that you experience. For instance, the process of scalp micropigmentation can be the ideal way to cover up the extent of balding that many people are experiencing. For people who are experiencing hair thinning but not severe balding, scalp micropigmentation is likely to be ideal, as this scalp micropigmentation will create the illusion of a much fuller head of hair and will make any particularly thinned out patches much less noticeable than they otherwise would have been.
It is important to note that while scalp micropigmentation will certainly improve the look of one’s hair, scalp micropigmentation does not get to the root cause of the hair loss or stop the process of balding in any way. So while scalp micropigmentation can certainly improve one’s appearance and overall levels of self confidence, it is also important to know that scalp micropigmentation is far from a solution to balding, no matter what the root cause of this balding might be.
If you’re looking to stop your balding and get back your hair, you’ll likely want to consider a hair transplant process. Fortunately, there are now many hair specialists out there, many working from a hair transplant clinic, who are more than able to perform a high quality hair transplant surgery. Speaking with your hair transplant doctor about the possibilities for hair transplant surgery is a must, as it will help you to weight the pros and cons of the various types of such surgeries that are available.
For instance, most hair transplant specialists now steer away from the traditional FUSS hair transplant procedure. For one thing, the FUSS hair transplant procedure offer requires a scar revision at a later date, thanks to the fact that its cuts a strip of hair from the back of the head and transplants it to the part of the head where balding is prevalent. Instead of the FUSS procedure, doctors are more ad more frequently recommending the FUE hair transplant procedure, which involves only the extraction of naturally occurring clumps of hair and does not lead to any scarring whatsoever in the vast majority of cases. Not only does this type of procedure lead to considerably less scarring as a result, but the chances of ever developing an infection from such a procedure are also lowered.