How to Effectively Block EMF Radiation Waves

Laptop radiation protection

What is the deal about EMFs? What are they?

EMFs are a type of radiation. The acronym stands for electromagnetic fields or electrical and magnetic forces. This type of radiation takes the form of waves and can be very dangerous.

There are two types of electromagnetic energy. There are natural EMFs and artificial EMFs.

Natural EMFs

This is the electromagnetic field that is produced by the earth naturally. The human body also produces an EMF. Research shows that it is the EMF in every cell in the body that help to keep you healthy and regulate functions.… Read More...

EMF Exposure Causes Headaches, Irritation, Concentration Difficulties in School

Empath jewelry

Chances are if you are reading this article after many hours of being on the computer, you do not know the purpose of a bioelectric shield. In fact, many people do not even know that such a product exists. If you are someone who suffers no consequences or side effects from daily or occasional electronic use of phones, television, computers, microwaves, or personal scanning devices, a bioelectric shield is foreign to you. If, however, you find yourself sensitive to the electromagnetic field (EMF) in a space, you realize the benefits and necessity of protecting yourself.… Read More...