The Difference Between BiPAP and CPAP

Resmed cpap machine

Sleep apnea is a common affliction in the United States, with perhaps 18 million people suffering from the disorder, that can have serious effects when left untreated. Individuals with sleep apnea have frequent points during their sleep cycle in which their breathing pauses. There are three types of sleep apnea, with one caused by an obstruction in the upper airway, another by a signaling failure in the brain, and the last a result of a mixture of the two. No matter which type a person has, treatment is necessary, as going without treatment makes a person with sleep apnea four times more likely to have a stroke and three times more likely to develop heart disease.… Read More...

4 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Getting a Full Night’s Sleep

Respironics cpap

Not getting enough sleep is so hard. It doesn’t matter if you are a homemaker, have a career or are going to school; not getting enough sleep at night time makes for a very unproductive day the next day. It’s important that as adults, we get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night in order to refresh our brains. This will help to promote creativity, focus and better productivity all around. If you never feel like you are getting enough sleep, there could be a few reasons for this.… Read More...

5 Tips to Get You Used to Your CPAP Mask

Buying or selling used cpap machines

Sleep apnea is a serious but common sleep disorder affecting nearly 18 million Americans. The problem often goes undiagnosed and as many as one on 50 have it but do not know it. Sufferers stop breathing multiple times during the night for periods of time as long as several minutes and can occur as many as 60 times a night. When left untreated, people who suffer from sleep apnea are three times more likely to have heart disease and four times as likely to have a stoke than non-sufferers.… Read More...