While most of the plants we see every day are harmless, there are many wild plants that are dangerous to human beings. These plants can cause a variety of conditions, and some are even dangerous enough to cause death. Here are a few of the most common poisonous plants, what they do, and how to identify them.
This type of plant grows up to three feet tall, and are adorned with dropping flowers of purple, pink, or white. The leaves from there plants are a source of commercial heart medicines, and can affect the rate of your heart beat. Along with heart issues, patients who eat foxglove leaves may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth pain, and cramps.
These plants look like a vibrant bloom of pink, blue, purple, or white flowers, and are a popular choice for household gardens. However, eating hydrangea flowers will leave you with stomach pains once it begins to digest. In addition, hydrangea poisoning can lead to vomiting, itchy skin, sweating, weakness, and in some severe cases, coma.
These plants have bell-shaped flowers that look beautiful and delicate in a spring garden. However, the leaves and flower nectar of a Rhododendron plant can leave you with a burning sensation in the mouth. Soon after, other symptoms may develop, such as vomiting, diarrhea, increase saliva production, and tingling sensations. Some cases have reported irregular heartbeats, and even fatal convulsions.
If you come into contact with a poisonous plant, it?s best to get checked out by your doctor, or at one of the local urgent care centers. Urgency care facilities are best for non-life-threatening medical emergencies that still need urgent medical care, including allergic reactions. Urgent care centers will provide you with the treatments you need at a fraction of the time and price of an emergency room visit.