It’s no double that many men will start to experience hair loss in their life time. The amount of hair loss and the extent of physical and emotional toll it takes will differ from each man. If the amount of hair loss is extreme, or if the emotional toll from the hair loss seems like it’s too much to handle there are a variety of options for men, including scalp micropigmentation. While there are a number of options to choose from, there are also a number of factors that set each option apart from the other. Read below to see why scalp micropigmentation is a smarter choice compared with other options available.
Scalp micropigmentation reduces the need for chemicals to correct hair loss and provide hair loss treatment. The lack of chemicals reduces the risks of side effects that many may suffer from other hair restoration procedures. There are no incisions, which means the risk of infections at the incision site is eliminated completely. There is no pain with this procedure thanks to topical anesthetics provided before treatment.
scalp micropigmentation is affordable costing far less than traditional hair loss treatment procedures on the market. There are no long term medications that need to be taken for a significant period of time either before or after the procedure. Maintenance after the procedure is minimal along with follow-ups which save money in the long run.
Lasts a Long Time
The benefits of scalp micropigmentation will last a long time compared with other temporary fixes. This procedure can last for years giving much needed confidence. Pigmentation is made to fade over the course of years not suddenly all at once. This provides an opportunity for it to be supplemented in later sessions should the need arise.
Fast Healing
Since this procedure is non-invasive the healing time is much faster than other procedures. The healing will depend largely on the skin type, but most healing occurs within a few days. Since there is no cutting, there are no stitches to worry about or dressing to change during healing. A simple care plan is developed to ensure that no problems arise during the healing process.
Normal scalp micropigmentation procedures take roughly about eight hours to complete. It is commonly referred to as a hair tattoo. A couple of sessions max may be needed for some individuals. These results mimic a perfectly shaved head look for most individuals.
Low Maintenance
Since scalp micropigmentation doesn’t deal with real hair there is little maintenance required after the procedure. No need to spend money on expensive hair products to style the hair and there is no need to spend countless hours trying to achieve that perfect look with styling. A simple wash of the area and maybe some wax for shine is all that is needed for freshly cut, washed and styled look you desire.
The number one factor that keeps many men from researching hair restoration options is price and price alone. Many feel that the price is just too much and that they can’t afford it. A surprising amount, two-thirds or men, will experience hair loss by the time they reach 35 years of age, but price keeps them from correcting the problem. This procedure eliminates wasted money on lotions and shampoos that don’t work and simply waste money. Hair transplants can cost more than double the cost of scalp micropigmentation and when you consider the eliminated cost of post-operative treatment, it’s definitely a win win situation.
It’s not hard to make the right choice, but it might be hard weeding through all the available options. Using the reasons above, you can see what the best choice would be for a number reasons. Whether you’ve tried others or thought about others, don’t eliminate this procedure from your possibilities list. Considering this procedure shows promise not only immediately but long term as well. Advancement in technology provide lasting results with little side effects or downtime, and this is one of them. Research all of your options, but be sure to include scalp micropigmenation in your research options.