You are overweight and the problems are starting to mount. There are sleepless nights and even walking up the stairs to your office seem like a chore. Do not worry though, because there are plenty of weight loss tips you can follow to get your life back on track. A few alterations to your daily routine and you will be looking like you did back when you were younger and healthier.
Obesity is an epidemic worldwide and Americans in particular have to deal with the complications that come with excessive weight gain. An estimated 35.7% of American adults are considered obese. Obesity rates in the United States have more than tripled since 1980. A body mass index or 30 or higher is medically considered to be obese. Obesity is particularly prevalent in women. An estimated 74.8 million women in the United States are considered to be overweight or obese.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide. Sleep apnea, and other related respiratory problems are symptoms of weight gain and fatigue. Excessive body weight is often associated with diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. A combination of excessive food energy and a lack of physical activity is thought to be the main causes of obesity and high blood pressure. A limited number of cases are due to genetics and psychiatric illness.
Diet and exercise are the best solutions for obesity. Your doctor can give you several weight loss tips, but the best will be to cut foods high in fat and sugar out of your diet. A diet solutions program may cause you to lose weight in the short term but you need to have a healthier diet along with exercise long-term if you are going to keep the weight off. Weight loss programs promote lifestyle changes and diet modifications. There are also weight loss programs that allow you to pair up with other people. This will give you motivation of seeing someone with similar goals to your own.
Medication and surgical obesity solutions exist for those who have been suffering for several years. Several anti-obesity medications are currently approved by the FDA for long-term use. Bariatric surgery is the use of surgical intervention in the treatment of obesity. As every operation may have complications, surgery is recommended for the severely obese who have failed to lose weight through diet and nutrition programs.
If you are struggling with obesity, there are a few weight loss tips you must follow. Make sure to improve your diet and exercise frequently. Losing weight now will help you live a longer and happier life. Visit here for more information.