Many people struggle with a drinking problem today.
Alcohol isn’t a cause, but rather, a symptom of a deeper problem. Some people turn to drinking in an effort to self-medicate the onset of mental illness. Others do it out of peer pressure and find themselves becoming dependent on the drug. Whatever your reason may be, a rapid detox center can provide you a solution to combat the side-effects of alcoholism. Admitting you have alcoholism, however, is another battle entirely. It’s time to take a look at addiction to alcohol and the impact it could be having on your life and career.
Where does alcoholism come from and how can it be curbed?
The State Of Alcoholism Today
You likely know more than one person who’s struggling with alcoholism. Alcohol remains the number one drug problem in the United States, beating out even addictions to cocaine, over-the-counter painkillers and meth. A recent study found those most vulnerable to problem drinking are young adults between the ages of 18 and 30, with those least susceptible being over the age of 65. Multiple factors go into problem drinking, including chronic stress, mental illness, family history, peer pressure and a past history with substance abuse.
Mental Illness And Its Influence On Drinking Rates
A major factor that can lead someone to needing the aid of a rapid detox center is mental illness. Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, affecting as many as 40 million people as we know it. These include generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder. Depression is another common form of mental illness and can take the form of seasonal depression and bipolar depression, among others. Drinking is a short-term solution that can eventually do more harm than good.
Genetics And Their Link To Alcoholism
A family history of alcoholism can also increase your chances of becoming dependent on the drug. A recent study found nearly 55% of adults in the country reporting one or more of their close relatives has a drinking problem. Another study revealed over 10% of American children live with a parent that has alcohol problems. Information you should bring to your local rapid detox center include not just how often you drink and why, but your family history and any information on a possible genetic connection.
Common Signs Of Addiction
Addiction to alcohol doesn’t always take the form of binge drinking. In fact, it rarely does. A dependency on alcohol can manifest as ‘just one more drink’ during the week. It can also result in never turning down a drink when asked, even when a person has already had beer multiple times throughout the week. Spotting these warning signs can be difficult, but they’re a necessary first step on the road to recovery. A study on alcoholism today found nearly 20% of college students meet the criteria for an Alcohol Use Disorder.
The Benefits Of A Rapid Detox Center And Support Group
When you can’t seem to avoid alcohol and the impact dependency has on your life, a rapid detox center can put you on the track toward recovery. Addiction changes the chemistry in your brain, meaning ‘mind over matter’ just doesn’t apply. When left unchecked an addiction to alcohol can lead to risky behavior such as drunk driving, regular binge drinking and the risk of withdrawal. Delirium tremens (or DTs) is a life-threatening condition that involves the sudden and severe change of the nervous system, which can develop days after the last drink.
You don’t have to live with alcoholism. It’s time to reach out to an alcoholism treatment center and ask what a detox can do for you.