
How to Keep Healthy Body and Mind Self-Images

Self-image is how we view ourselves. A positive body and mind image leads to higher self-esteem. Some issues that may affect how we view ourselves are weight, income, age, and perceived intelligence. Many people struggle with their body and mind self-image.

Self-image develops from childhood and can be maintained over a lifetime or changed. Your view of yourself depends on the stage of life. Certain circumstances can cause a negative self-image while others boost it. Here is how to keep a healthy body and mind.… Read More...

A Closer Look At The Importance Of Healthy Weight Loss Here In The United States

Here in the United States, there is no doubt about it that weight has become a problem on a national scale, more so than many other places, even many other developed nations, all throughout the world. As a matter of fact, it’s estimated that at least one third, if not more, of the adult population is medically considered to be obese, with another one third classified as being overweight. This leaves only just a mere one third or so of the adult population of the United States considered to be at a healthy weight.… Read More...