While there are quite a few urgent care centers located throughout the country, many people may not be aware of what services are provided at these facilities. Currently, there are approximately 20,000 physicians that practice within this expanding field of medicine. The Urgent Care Association of America, for example, reported that roughly three million patients visit urgent care clinics every week.
There are a variety of reasons why someone would visit an urgent care center for evaluation and treatment. Ankle sprains, bone fractures, colds, and urinary tract infections are just of few of the issues that can be addressed at one of these facilities.… Read More...
Top 3 Reasons to Check Out Your Local Urgent Care Center

Most people have a primary care doctor who they see on a semi-regular basis, but sometimes there are situations when it’s just not convenient to wait for an appointment. Your situation isn’t life-threatening, but it’s uncomfortable or urgent enough that you need to see a medical professional fairly quickly. Say it’s a weekend, after-hours (or before hours), or a holiday. Where can you go? One option is to visit a walk in urgent care center for treatment. Urgent care fills in that medical care gap between your regular doctor and the emergency room, offering an immediate, cost-effective, and qualified option if you need to see a medical professional in a timely fashion.… Read More...