Breast implants are not lifetime devicesIf you are not happy with the way your breasts look, there are different cosmetic surgeries that can be done to them. Breast modification surgeries include breast reduction surgery as well as breast increase surgery. A reduction is often done to alleviate backaches and hunched shoulders that can come with heavy breasts. A breast augmentation procedure can be done when a woman wants larger breasts or wants to replace one lost to illness. These surgeries have been some of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for a long time.

If you are looking for breast augmentation information, you can go to a breast augmentation website to find out how the procedure works. Then, you need to consult with a doctor to make sure that the surgery you want is possible for you. The doctor can then give you an estimated price for the surgery you want as well as talk to you about the recovery period. The surgery typically takes a few hours, and it comes with several weeks of recovery. Some women ask for breasts that are simply too large for their frame, and a doctor will tell you when this is true. Take your doctor’s advice on size for the best results.

Breast implant surgery has been influential in restoring younger-looking breasts to women around the world, helping to boost their confidence level once again. This is especially true for women who have had a mastectomy because of breast cancer. Once the implants are in place, they give the appearance of natural breasts and allow women to feel comfortable wearing their favorite outfits again.

If you have recently decided to have the surgery, it is important to gather as much breast implant information as possible. The more information on breast augmentation you gather, the more informed you will be able what kind of incision would work best for you, and which implant you would prefer. You should do everything you can to be prepared for this life-altering procedure. Here are a few important things to consider before you go under the knife.

    • Have you weighed all the risks and benefits of breast augmentation first? The clear benefits are younger-looking, more aesthetically pleasing breasts, and higher self-esteem and confidence. But there are serious risks that come with having breast implants. There is a high chance of permanent scarring, you could develop hematoma around the implant, and you could lose all sensation in your nipple. Aside from other complications with the implant, you may not be happy with the results, which could mean more surgery to fix what you do not like. Breast implants are not lifetime devices either, which means after 10 years, you will have to replace them.
    • You may need to fork out a lot more money than you want to. The average cost of implants in 2013 was about $3,600, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This number is not completely accurate as it varies based on the type of implants you get, and the surgeon who does the surgery. This cost includes anesthesia fees, the surgeon fee, and also any hospital costs. You may think that $3,600 is manageable, but consider that you will have to have them refilled every decade if you have saline implants, and possibly replaced if you get silicone ones. Furthermore, insurance does not cover implants because you are not having the surgery out of medical necessity, but rather because you want to.
    • Breast implant information pamphlets and brochures may not tell you that mammograms can be much more complicated. Mammograms help to uncover any lumps or possible tumorous substances in the breast, and without implants, the x-ray technology can easily see inside the breast tissue. Breast implants can obscure a doctor’s view of potentially cancerous cells in the breast, and patients are encouraged to let their doctor know about the implants before the scan so that specialized tools can be used to view under or over the implant. In addition, an FDA study showed that breast implants sometimes rupture during mammography due to the compression exerted on the breast during a scan. This will likely require more surgery to replace the implant.

Some other things you will want to keep in mind are recovery time, pain associated with the surgery, and potential changes in lifestyle while you are healing. But as long as you fully understand all the breast implant information you find, and you have set up a consultation with an experienced, well-reputed surgeon, you can enter into the process feeling confident and at peace with your decision. More on this topic.