For many people, considering an in home care service for aging parents can be painful. Often, parents age gradually, transitioning from attentive and happy caregivers to forgetful and distracted individuals. Suppose aging parents repeatedly start telling the same story, getting lost, struggling with simple tasks like cooking, eating, dressing, or forgetting critical matters.
Watching this unfold can be worrying and challenging. Yet, facing these realities is crucial in ensuring that loved ones receive the care they need. This is where home care communities come in. Learn more about them in this video. Embracing an in home care service ensures that parents get sufficient care to age with support, gracefully, and with dignity. Knowing how to determine whether an aging parent needs home care service is important.
When a parent starts missing critical obligations, appointments, or meetings they were keen on attending, that may be a sign of memory loss or Alzheimer’s and dementia. Suppose they still have an excellent memory. Missing planned appointments can signify discomfort due to challenges in walking, getting dressed, navigating public transit, or driving. Poor personal and home hygiene is another critical sign that a loved one needs in home care service. Suppose the trash bin hasn’t been emptied for days or the fridge is full of spoilt food. Home care service may be necessary if they have not been showering or shaving as before.