Breast implants in tampa fl

If you’re considering a breast lift with augmentation or breast lift with implants, you may be wondering ‘is breast augmentation right for me?,’ a question all woman in your position ask themselves. For whichever reason you may decide to go through with a breast augmentation procedure, keep in mind there are different types of breast augmentation procedures. To equip you with the breast implants information so you’re confident on the topic lets touch on a few points and the benefits of breast augmentation.

There are plenty of reasons women decide to follow through with having breast implants. When a woman has a mastectomy, for instance, many of these patients find they regain confidence with breast augmentation. The advances of modern technology allow mastectomy patients to live the normal, happy lives they had prior to their breast removal.

Perhaps you’ve seen the breast lift before and after photos and just want the same results for yourself. If you’re breasts aren’t the same as they used to be or just were never quite where you wanted them, breast augmentation enlargement is a safe, great option. Keep in mind, if you are dissatisfied with your sex life, studies show women who underwent breast augmentation or breast lift surgery experienced a 34% increase satisfaction with their sex lives.

The reasons to get breast augmentation are innumerable, but when you look at breast lift before and after photos, it’s obvious it come downs to confidence. The number of American women who opt for cosmetic breast augmentation is up 45 percent since 2000. This is due in great part to the evolution in the industry since the FDA gained regulation authority in 1976.

Nowadays, patients are given more options than just saline implants, which only 28% of women who undergo augmentation choose. Most go with the memorygel® breast implants over the mentor® saline-filled breast implants for the more authentic look and feel. Patients are also given breast augmentation incision site options to make their implants even more seamless.

Breast implants can be placed under the pectoral muscle or over the pectoral muscle, which isn’t entirely your choice. Which route the doctor takes depends on the reason for the implant and the health of the patient. Regardless how breast augmentation surgery is performed, when considering breast augmentation doctors you want a board certified breast augmentation surgeon. And keep in mind breast implants are not lifetime devices, so procedures will be required every 10 years or so.

Breast augmentation is great for women looking to gain self confidence and subsequently improve their overall quality of life. A breast lift before and after is like night and day, whether the breast lift procedure improves the overall shape of what you have or gives you the extra size you always wanted. More like this article.