As an integral part of a family, one of the most important responsibilities you might need to shoulder is to ensure that every member of your family receives requisite medical attention. Staying healthy and fit can be one of the most important ingredients of a rewarding and happy life and a major part of this comes from being able to receive medical attention on a regular basis. This can involve going in for scheduled checkups and consulting with specialist doctors when situations call for it and getting treatment for urgent medical conditions at a nearby establishment.… Read More...
According to the Huffington Post and cancer care centers around the world, 12.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year, and roughly 7.6 million people lose their lives to cancer each year as well. While many people get cancer because of things completely beyond their control, it is still possible to lower your risk by avoiding some of these factors, as 30% to 40% of cancer deaths can be prevented.
Light to moderate consumption of alcohol is not linked to a higher cancer risk, but heavy alcohol consumption is.… Read More...
The Case For Urgent Care Centers
Seeking out medical care is something that becomes a necessity for all of us at some point in our lives. For big problems to smaller maladies, seeing a doctor for prompt treatment is all a part of staying healthy. But for many people, scheduling an appointment with a general care practitioner can be hugely problematic. Some people, for instance, do not have medical insurance, making a general care practitioner often difficult to afford. And sometimes even people with healthcare aren’t able to find time to get in to see their general care practitioner due to work schedules and other commitments in their busy lives.… Read More...
My Toddler Is Sick Should I Take Them To The Emergency Room Or An Urgent Care Clinic?
Healthcare is a stressful thing. Not just for you, but your children.
It’s difficult enough getting them to eat healthy, go to bed on time and play outside on a regular basis. What do you do when they come down with the flu or complain of headaches that won’t go away? When you don’t have the time to wait for a meeting with your regular doctor but the situation isn’t severe enough for the emergency room, a family urgent care center can meet you halfway.… Read More...
5 Situations Treatable at an Orthopaedic Clinic
If you’re dealing with an orthopaedic problem, you’re not alone. In fact, current statistics show that one out of every seven people in the United States now has some form of orthopedic issue. That being said, it’s understandable to feel confused in regards to what issues should be treated by an orthopedic professional. With that in mind, here are five types of situations treatable at an orthopaedic clinic.
- Suffering From Chronic Pain
The body is made up of many areas, each with their own complicated system of nerves, ligaments, and tendons.
Over 50% Of All Serious Falls Happen In The Home Accessibility Standards For Our Aging Population
Accessibility means different things to different people.
For one person it could mean the ability to climb a flight of stairs without fear of pain. For another it can mean being able to use their bathroom without slipping. With today’s definition of accessibility shifting as the population ages, our standards need to use a combination of consideration and advanced technology if everyone is to be on the same page. The Bruno vehicle chair, aluminum wheelchair ramp and bathroom fall may all be different products for different people, but they have the same foundation.… Read More...
The Benefits Of A FUE Hair Transplant
Balding is not uncommon in most men after a certain age. After all, statistics show that at least thirty five million men in the United States are at some stage of balding, though in many of these men the balding is still unnoticeable (it takes up to half of the hair to be gone before it becomes visible to any outward person other than the man himself). By the time man reaches the age of thirty five, he will more likely than not be in the beginning stages of balding.… Read More...
How To Live With A Catheter
Kidney and bladder problems are not uncommon for many people throughout the United States, and they can present with a range of symptoms, from lymphedema to issues with chronic pain. As people live longer and longer (in 2010, more than five million people in the United States alone lived to be eighty five years of age or even older and by 2050, the number of those living past eighty five will jump to include five percent of the total population, nearly twenty million Americans), bladder problems become more and more prevalent as some, though not all, bladder conditions increase in rate and severity with age.… Read More...