Rosacea therapy seeks to treat skin conditions that cause redness, skin sensitivities, thickened skin on the forehead, and pimples. Dr. Davin Lim’s YouTube video “Rosacea Skin Care” provides a dermatologist’s review of the pros and cons of rosacea skin care products such as moisturizers, sunscreens, topicals, and products containing actives.
The first step in rosacea skin care is cleansing with Cetaphil to reduce irritation. Other cleansing products and moisturizers, like Cerave Laroche-Posay, contain no active ingredients. But everyone has a threshold for the products they use. So you can’t try products as your threshold may decrease, and you risk getting rosacea. Some can manage products with active concentrations of around 20%, while others can only handle concentrations below 20%.
In terms of treatment, dermatologists advise against using acidic products with an acidity level of 2 to 5, as they may harm and irritate the skin. It is thus recommended to use anti-inflammatory effects. Dermatologists can also use lasers to treat rosacea skin, which is effective.
Regardless of the severity of your rosacea skin condition, it is critical to consult a dermatologist who can provide guidelines for any products or treatments you may consider.