Hyperhidrosis is a common medical disorder that results in excessive sweating. This condition has no clear cause but some studies seem to suggests that it could be a problem emanating from the hypothalamus, the section of the brain that controls body temperature and other homeostatic functions. Sweating is a normal body activity that helps in maintaining optimal temperatures in the body. But people with excessive sweating experience these episodes even at optimal body temperature, making it a concern.
In order to understand this condition as well as its treatment options, it’s important you first understand the two types of excessive sweating. These are Primary Focal and Secondary hyperhidrosis.
Primary focal hyperhidrosis
People who experience excessive sweating that is not related to any medical condition, nor is it associated with drugs side effects, are said to have a primary focal disorder. This is the most common type of excessive sweating that affects about 1% to 3% of the population. This nature of sweating often happens in focal areas of the body such as underarms, palms, head, face, feet, chest or groin and it usually affects both sides of the body. For instance the left and the right side of the palm, feet or underarms.
While this condition may not sound serious to your health, it can be a source of other physiological issues such as depression and anxiety. People suffering from excessive sweating problem exhibit signs of low self-esteem as they are always conscious of their condition. In severe cases, the condition is not only embarrassing, but also poses practical problems that limit sufferers to engage in some daily life routines like driving, writing, or shaking hands. Primary focal hyperhidrosis is also said to be a hereditary and several other family members may have this disorder. For most people who develop this condition at their childhood or adolescence stage, they only experience excessive sweating on their hands and feet. If no measures are taken to control excessive sweating, the condition becomes severe.
Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis
This is the other category of excessive sweating caused by either underlying medical problem or effects of certain medications. One of the main differences between secondary generalized and primary hyperhidrosis is the extent of sweating. In secondary type, people experience massive episodes of sweating that cover other areas of the body other than those associated with the primary type. In addition, secondary hyperhidrosis sufferers may often exhibit sweating at night while sleeping. So, as you are looking for secondary hyperhidrosis treatments, it’s vital that you first undergo a thorough medical examination to uncover the root problem to your condition. It’s important you talk with your doctor who’ll help administer the appropriate treatments based on your specific condition. There are several treatments for hyperhidrosis both invasive and noninvasive. But for starters, doctors often recommend strong antiperspirants aimed at reducing excessive sweating. Additionally, other lifestyle approaches can be used as complementary to medications. But if the condition persists, you may ultimately need to be subjected through iontophoresis. This is a hyperhidrosis treatment that uses a weak electric current to cure the sweaty areas of the body.
Although there are no guarantees that the treatment options will work, it’s good to note that the treatments will at least help you manage the condition more effectively.