Throughout a typical year, many American women learn they’ll soon be having a child. Statistics show that just under 4 million babies are born throughout the United States each year. Considering that, this means many women are spending time learning what happens during a pregnancy. Considering this major life change, it’s important to properly educate pregnant women. A key aspect of achieving this goal should involve the use of charts. In this post, you’ll learn three helpful charts to help educate pregnant women throughout this experience.

  1. Fetal Development Chart

    Many of the questions parents will have involve how their baby is developing. Considering that, it’s certainly important to have a fetal progress chart in the room for these questions. If you own a weekly fetal development chart, you can give parents more thorough descriptions of how their baby is developing. Most fetal development charts describe the size of a baby during specific periods of time. In addition, other fetal development charts will also display what pregnant women should expect throughout this experience.
  2. Weight Gain Chart

    Not all questions from pregnant women will be specifically about their baby. Pregnant women go through a wide range of both physical and mental changes while pregnant. Anyone who has ever had pregnancy cravings will how this experience temporarily changes someone. Understandably, many pregnant women want to know about their weight. Considering this sensitive subject, having a healthy pregnancy weight gain chart helps to easily explain this subject to your patients. If a patient is not within a healthy weight range, you can begin to advise them on how to correct this problem.
  3. Charts Going Over Dilation

    During a pregnancy, women experience varying degrees of dilation. This process occurs as a woman’s uterus expands during pregnancy. During the first trimester, a woman’s uterus should be about the size of an orange. As this woman reaches the third trimester, the uterus will have expanded to the size of a watermelon. Considering how much the uterus expands during a pregnancy, it’s understandable for women to want to know more answers regarding this subject. With that in mind, having a pregnancy dilation charts helps to show women what’s currently happening to this part of the body.

To summarize, it’s important for women to thoroughly understand each aspect of their pregnancy. While you might think that the typical pregnancy is 40 weeks, this is rarely true. In fact, only 4% of pregnant women end up delivering their baby on the predicted 40 week due date. Considering the many things happening within a woman’s body during a pregnancy, they’ll likely want lots of information. If you want to provide this information, having female pregnancy charts on hand is a wise idea.