When you are looking into fertility treatments, there are a million questions floating about in your mind. Which fertility centers will be the best match for you? Is there any particular way you should approach the medical fertilization process? Is it going to hurt me? Rest assured that thousands have been exactly where you are, and are flooding with questions regarding IVF, or in vitro fertilization. Before you get overwhelmed, this video helps us answer several frequently asked questions regarding the procedure.
This expert sent out a call for questions, and provides us answers for some of the most common ones. The first question is, “How soon can we begin treatments?” The simplest answer for this question is, whenever! Your timeline can guide the treatment timeline. IVF treatments involve taking medications on a cycle, so some issues may arise. At your baseline ultrasound, you may have an ovarian cyst or have enhanced estrogen, which could affect the process. These problems must be sorted out before you can take off with treatment. When it comes to day 3 or day 5 transfers, you should consult your doctor on which method would yield a higher possibility for pregnency.