In the course of everyday life, even healthy adults and kids might sometimes get hurt or come down with a common illness, and whenever this happens, any responsible adult will know how to find and visit nearby medical facilities to get treatment, medicine, and more, and in some cases, this can save a life. Knowing when to visit and how to find an urgent care facility or the emergency room is essential, but there may be some confusion about the two, such as what ailments call for which.… Read More...
4 Common Summer Ailments and What to do About Them

Summer is upon us, which means that most of us will be spending a lot more time being active outside. While this is almost always given a thumbs up by doctors and other health professionals, it’s not without risks. Below are some common summer injuries and advice on when to seek medical help for them:
1. Bumps, Bruises, and Sprains
Why they’re common: Being more active means you’re forcing your body into all kinds of compromising positions. (We saw a game of beach volleyball last week that looked like it should have had top doctors standing by with gauze pads and abrasion kits).… Read More...
A Few Reasons To Choose Everett Walk In Clinics Over Your Primary Doctor

In the United States, there are nearly 130,000 people that work for urgent care centers. When you are looking for treatment for your health issue, you can go to a Everett walk in clinic and find some of these people to help you. Going to a Seattle urgent care center will allow you to get the care that you need even when it is after your doctor’s office has closed for the day. Selecting the best Everett walk in clinic will help you get treated just as well.… Read More...