How To Know When Your Child Is Too Sick To Go To School

The decision whether or not to keep a sick child home from school or daycare is one that is never simple for a parent to make. The average child will catch between six and 10 colds every year, so how do you know when it is serious enough to keep them home?

You should first check the rules of your child’s school or daycare. Most facilities will have guidelines in place, such as children with strep throat needing one or two doses of antibiotics to take effect before they can return to the classroom.… Read More...

Benefits of Clean Daycare Facilities

Only about 5% of people wash their hands for 15 seconds or more. If you are someone that does not properly wash your hands then chances are that you will carry around germs with you until washing your hands later. Therefore, you can go to a daycare and spread germs that are seriously dangerous to the children. They do not have strong immune systems and thus, a minor cold is much more serious than you would think! Now, clean daycare are a big need for many families.… Read More...