The flu is a prominent illness that plagues anywhere from 5 to 20% of people each year. The flu season coincides with common cold season, which affects about 1 billion people a year, and sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the flu and the common cold. The common cold can last for a while, and the flu can last for about a week, however there is no cure for the common cold. The flu can be treated and cured so long as it is caught and diagnosed early enough.… Read More...
Top 3 Reasons to Check Out Your Local Urgent Care Center
Most people have a primary care doctor who they see on a semi-regular basis, but sometimes there are situations when it’s just not convenient to wait for an appointment. Your situation isn’t life-threatening, but it’s uncomfortable or urgent enough that you need to see a medical professional fairly quickly. Say it’s a weekend, after-hours (or before hours), or a holiday. Where can you go? One option is to visit a walk in urgent care center for treatment. Urgent care fills in that medical care gap between your regular doctor and the emergency room, offering an immediate, cost-effective, and qualified option if you need to see a medical professional in a timely fashion.… Read More...