Is your body trying to tell you something? Low testosterone levels, commonly referred to as “Low T,” may manifest as exhaustion, depression, and sleep disturbances. While the body’s production of testosterone naturally decreases with age, there are clinical measurements that indicate Low T.
About 25% of men who have reached the age of 30 test positive for Low T; men who are considering getting tested for adrenal exhaustion may be surprised to find that their insurance also covers testing for lowered testosterone levels. Doctors advise that tests for Low T are most accurate after 7:00 am but before noon.
Men who have experienced extended bouts of depression, confusion or cloudy thinking, and muscular weakness often ask their doctors, “Does Low T affect my strength?” Having lower-than-average testosterone levels can affect a patient’s strength and muscle density, experts say, and some men may notice that their exercise routines are much less effective as their free testosterone levels decrease.
While some men are born with limited capability to produce testosterone, other men gradually find that they are losing sleep and muscle strength. Lack of energy, lack of focus, and some male depression may be attributable to Low T. While some doctors attribute lowered testosterone levels to genetics or diet, some also cite recent research that indicates a strong influence on Low T from environmental chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen.
The number of men with Low T may be higher than doctors suspect; insurance frequently covers the testing procedure, but payment plans may be available as well. Men who stay awake at night and wonder, “Does Low T affect my concentration?” and “Does Low T affect my strength?” may want to investigate the testing procedure for themselves. As advanced early detection methods become available, the number of men who suffer from undiagnosed Low T may dwindle while treatment rates skyrocket.