Childhood abnormalities and illnesses can be stressful situations for families. While some people deal with the nuisance of sinus infections and ear nose and throat problems in children and adolescents, other families find themselves struggling to find surgeries for cleft palate repair. And while common ENT problems can become serious enough to cause a hearing loss that may not immediately be recognized, cleft palate repair seeks to correct a condition that is immediately recognizable. The one thing that is common in all of these health situations is the need for a caring and knowledgable doctor.
What You Need to Know About a Cleft Palate Repair
Although cleft palate conditions are fairly recognizable, they are not frequent. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently estimated that, each year in the United States 2,650 babies are born with a cleft palate. Another 4,440 babies are born with a cleft lip. These cleft lip conditions may or may not also include a cleft palate. In most cases, surgery to repair a cleft lip occurs within the first few months of life. Almost all physicians recommend that it take place within the first 12 to 18 months of life.
What You Need to Know About Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems
It was not to remove the tonsils of children 30 years ago. Today, however, when tonsils are removed the reasons are often different. For example, 30 years ago, nearly 90% of tonsillectomies in children were done for recurring infections. Today, tonsillectomies are performed only 20% of the time for infection. Nearly 80% of the other tonsillectomies occur because of obstructive sleep problems (OSA).
Tonsil problems are often associated with ear, nose, and throat problems. For example, five out of every six children will have at least one ear infection before they celebrate their first birthday. for many of these children, ear infections lead to visits to see an ENT doctor. Based on current research, these doctors will determine what the best treatment is for the ear infections. For some, the suggestion is ear tubes. For others, the diagnosis may lead to a study of sleep and breathing irregularities. While many patients may start with their primary physicians or pediatricians, some of these cases are referred to specialized ENT doctors.
All childhood conditions are important. And while some conditions are more serious than others, all parents concern themselves with finding the best medical care for the youngest members of their families.