Hair loss is a problem for men and women across the United States. At least 67% of all men experience some level of appreciable hair loss by the the time they reach the age of 35. This number jumps to 85% for men who are 50 years old or older. By this time, the hair is visibly thinning for most of these men. A man has to lose at least half of the hair on their head before it is really noticeable. The problem impacts 35 million men. Many now seek out different treatments at hair clinics around the country.
One kind of treatment offered by hair clinics is the follicular unit extraction (FUE), also known as follicular transfer (FT). This is one of the most commonly performed procedures for hair restoration. FUE provides one of the best ways to obtain follicular units. These are groups of between one and four hairs. With FUE, the groupings can include between seven and eight hairs in a graft. The procedure produces natural looking results but takes a long time, The average time for a FUE procedure is about eight hours.
Recovering from the FUE is not a bad experience but there are some things you should do for your scalp after you have it done.
- You should not immediately wash your hair. The day after your procedure, you will go back to the hair clinic. Your hair will be washed and dried by the medical staff there. Your scalp will be examined by your physician and you will be given some instructions for the care of your scalp. These instructions will cover between four and six days. About seven days after your procedure, you can go back to washing and drying your hair the way you normally do it.
- Avoid any chemical processing for at least four weeks. If you normally color your hair or do any other kind of chemical processing, you will need to not do it for at least a month. You should have your last chemical treatment of your hair about a week before you go to the hair clinic for the procedure.
- Take it easy after the procedure. FUE hair transplant surgery may not be a big operation but it is still surgery. You should give your body a break for a few days after you have it done. People who have this done tend to go back to work and their normal activities within two to four days. For those first few days, relax and take some time for yourself. You should not go back to the gym or do any other strenuous work or exercise for at least a week following the procedure at the hair clinic.
- Follow your hair loss specialist’s instructions. When you are at the hair clinic, they will give you some instructions for what to do after your procedure. They have drafted up customized instructions for you. You should follow these instructions to a T because this will help you have the best experience with your FUE hair transplant. Most people who have this like to wear a hat afterwards. This is a good idea to keep the scalp protected from the sun. Within about five to seven days, they start to feel comfortable going out with out the hat.
- Use the products you are given at the hair clinic. Your scalp will be irritated. Most people’s scalps are pink and may even scab over. The hair clinic staff should give you some products that make this feel and look better after surgery.
- The process of regrowth takes time. Following your hair transplant, the new grafts will begin to grow about two to four months after the procedure. Your hair growth will happen in cycles. The grafts will not all start at the same time nor will you see them grow all at once. Nearly 90% of the grafted hair should be growing by the eighth month mark. You just have to be patient with it. This is a permanent but not immediate solution to hair loss.
Once your hair grafts have all grown out, even the closest examination will show hair that looks very natural and great. You will be happy with how you look.