3 of the Most Embarrassingly Problematic Symptoms of Fibroids

Signs and symptoms of fibroids

Most women never experience any of the signs and symptoms of fibroids. These women live their lives as they always have, and may never even realize that they’ve developed small, benign tumors. Other women, however, need to carefully weigh their uterine fibroids treatment options, because their fibroids are causing them serious problems.

What sort of problems, you may wonder? Embarrassing, painful ones. Here are just a few of the worst symptoms of fibroid cysts.


One of the main reasons women often need to pursue uterine fibroid treatments is because of the abnormal menstrual bleeding they’ve developed.… Read More...

We’re Growing Older, But We’re Aging Smarter

Private label acne products

Remember when you noticed your first frown line? Remember when your dimples used to be cute and now they’re just an insight into how old you are? Aging is on everyone’s mind. And it is especially (and literally) on everyone’s face. Our faces are such an important part of the way we experience the world and such pertinent tools with which we allow others to experience us. Why not give your face the very best care available? Who needs to play trial and error with the plethora of stuff on the shelves of a pharmacy when you can buy private label skincare for spas ?… Read More...