Benefits of Clean Daycare Facilities

Only about 5% of people wash their hands for 15 seconds or more. If you are someone that does not properly wash your hands then chances are that you will carry around germs with you until washing your hands later. Therefore, you can go to a daycare and spread germs that are seriously dangerous to the children. They do not have strong immune systems and thus, a minor cold is much more serious than you would think! Now, clean daycare are a big need for many families.… Read More...

The Benefits of Having a Medical Support System for Losing Weight and Managing Chronic Pain

A large percentage of American adults experience challenges with attaining and maintaining their optimal weight. When someone is overweight or obese, this can lead to a variety of health issues, including heart disease. It’s not unusual for some individuals to experience chronic pain, particularly lower back and knee pain, when they are carrying excess weight. Furthermore, this extra weight can also impact an individual’s overall activity level and quality of life.

The Difference Between Being Overweight and Obese

Physicians tend to use two methods to determine whether or not someone is overweight or obese.… Read More...