Everyone wants to look and feel their best. Sometimes, people feel that they have to sacrifice their personal comfort to achieve their perfect look but that’s not the case. You can reach your aesthetic goals without major surgery or having to put your life on hold. If you’ve ever thought about the EVLT cost of treating your varicose veins or wondered about Radiesse fillers, here are four minimally invasive ways to feel your best.


Sclerotherapy involves injecting medicine into your veins to directly treat varicose veins and spider veins. This injection helps shrink your veins’ walls and reduce the painful, obvious swelling that comes with varicose veins. After you receive the injection, you may experience some bruising but not enough to disrupt your day.

Cool Sculpting

This is a great way to target some fat areas that may be more difficult to lose. Cool Sculpting works to freeze fat cells and get rid of stubborn fat for good! Many patients notice the effects of Cool Sculpting just a few days after the treatment, but the full results may not be totally apparent for 1-4 months after your procedure.

Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)

EVLT is a great option for patients who are looking for a procedure that only takes an hour, just requires one small cut, and lets you resume normal activities immediately after treatment. By using a catheter and lasers, your doctor can help your veins improve circulation and reduce the appearance of varicose veins. If you’re looking for a quick way to feel great about your veins, discuss the EVLT cost with your provider today!

Radiesse Filler

Everyone wants a naturally young appearance to fight back against the test of time. Natural fillers, like Radiesse, use your body’s natural collagen to fill in the lines around your face and the wrinkles on the backs of your hands. The best part about Radiesse is that you can get right back to your regularly scheduled appointments after receiving treatment.


Don’t let varicose veins or early crow’s feet stop you from feeling like the most confident version of yourself. Everyone deserves to look and feel amazing while also living their life. That’s why offering treatments like sclerotherapy and talking with our patients about the EVLT cost are so important – we want everyone to have their best chance at feeling their best. Ready to get started?