I have gained about 40 pounds since I met my partner 3 years ago. And if you think that sounds disgusting, let me tell you that it is. And it feels even worse than it sounds. We are getting married this summer and I am having trouble finding a dress to squeeze into that does not make me look like a monstrosity of a white elephant gift. But since we are saving for a wedding, I really can not afford a gym membership right now. So last week I set out online looking for free health videos so I can work out in my living room. And by golly, I found them. I found a health literacy video, public health videos and all kinds of exercise videos.
I am loving these free health videos. Love, love, love, loving them. I have watched a couple of them simply for motivation and encouragement. Then I watched a health video that was just for general knowledge and to help with life balance. But my favorite has been the free health video I found that is an awesome workout routine I can do without purchasing any weights or equipment and can do alone at home. Thanks to these free health videos, maybe I will no longer be the tubbiest bride that ever was.
I think part of the reason I have kept up every day watching the free health videos is because they are fun too. They are set to good music and the instructor is always energetic and encouraging. The free health videos really do make me feel like I am taking a live class in a health club. I am so thankful to have found them. Now maybe I will actually start looking forward to our wedding and finding a beautiful white dress to wear.