Here in the United States, there is no doubt about it that weight has become a problem on a national scale, more so than many other places, even many other developed nations, all throughout the world. As a matter of fact, it’s estimated that at least one third, if not more, of the adult population is medically considered to be obese, with another one third classified as being overweight. This leaves only just a mere one third or so of the adult population of the United States considered to be at a healthy weight.
For many people, weight gain and obesity can be incredibly detrimental to their overall health. In fact, having health effects, particularly negative health effects, as a result of obesity is likely to happen at some point in time for just about every obese person out there. From the development of type 2 diabetes to an increased risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and even certain types of cancer, obesity and even just being overweight can be hugely detrimental to one’s health, so much so that the health problems that develop as a direct result of obesity, prolonged over the course of time, have become the second leading cause of preventable death here in the United States, second behind smoking cigarettes alone.
Fortunately, these negative effects are typically not irrevocable, something that has been backed up by many a study conducted on the subject. In fact, someone who needs to lose weight can lose a mere 5% to 10% of their total body rate and subsequently lower their risk of developing heart disease by quite a significant amount. And even type 2 diabetes can be managed or even eliminated with weight loss.
However, losing weight is certainly not always easy, something that more than half of the American population can attest to, as up to 54% of all adults in this country are currently in the process of trying to lose weight. For though up to 80% of all people with weight loss plans are attempting to do it all on their own, up to 70% of people feel that having a strong support network is absolutely essential for a successful weight loss attempt – as well as for successful weight loss maintenance.
For many people, even just hiring a nutritionist can provide that necessary support system, as a nutritionist can serve as a critical source of information and guidance for anyone looking to loose weight. If you’re not sure where to begin with healthy eating, a nutritionist is a great place to start, as a nutritionist won’t give you a fad diet to lose weight on but will instead help you to change your relationship to eating and to food as a whole, teaching you how to cultivate a healthy diet that will be sustainable even after the weight has come off. For many, hiring a nutritionist as a personal health coach is ideal, as much of our health really does come from what – and how much – we eat over the course of a day, a week, a month.
Once you have become settled with a nutritionist and have worked with this nutritionist for a period of time, adding in workouts to your weight loss regimen can be hugely effective at helping the weight to come off even faster, though a good portion of weight loss is likely to happen through diet alone, something that every nutritionist can attest to. For many people, cultivating a workout calendar with a personal trainer is a great way to stay focused and motivated, especially when first getting into the swing of things when it comes to working out, something that can be a difficult thing for someone who has been sedentary for a considerable period of time.
For many people, weight loss is all about slow and steady progress, and this kind of progress is highly attainable with regular exercise and the proper nutritional guidance from someone such as a nutritionist. For many people, results through this type of weight loss and weight loss programs are likely to be much easier to maintain over the course of time.