Do You Have a Plan to Get More Exercise in the New Year?

This is the year when you are going to stick to the New Year’s resolution that you have made to exercise more. You are not really setting a goal for how much weight you want to lose, but you are determined that any time you want to eat between meals you will take one lap around the park. Located just behind your house, the sidewalk trail just once around equals a half mile. You have told yourself that you can eat a few snacks during the day, as long as you also get active first.… Read More...

Starting a Fitness Program at the Home

It is no secret that the American population is going through an obesity epidemic, and many adolescents and adults alike are overweight or obese. A number of causes have been identified, as have the consequences to Americans’ heath. Obesity is more than just increased body size; it includes increased risk of heart disease, stroke, arthritis and joint pain, diabetes, and worse. The good news is that it is never too late for Americans to start a weight loss program if they are overweight, and losing weight today does not have to be a chore; in fact, if done right, it can be a total transformation of someone’s lifestyle, and it can be very rewarding and fun.… Read More...