San antonio medical clinics

Did you know that many urgent care facilities are more than just the bridge between primary care, and the emergency room? If your primary doctor lacks the resources, time, or expertise to help you through a medical concern, your local health clinic may be better equipped. Naturally, most urgent care centers are able to draw blood for lab work, perform X-rays, and stitch-up lacerations, but what if you need specialty services? You may just be in luck. Here are three valuable services your local clinic might offer.

CT Scanning

When a physical exam does not result in a clear diagnosis, you may find that a CT scan is needed. CT scanning is similar, although distinctly different from a X-ray, or an MRI. With a CT scan the doctor will be able to see a 3-D image of soft tissues in your body such as blood vessels and the brain, but also bones. This scan is most commonly used in detecting tumors and diagnosing cancers in the liver, lungs, or pancreas. Inflammation, and vascular issues can also be detected with this scan.


The Mayo Clinic recommends that women visit a health clinic for a mammogram starting at the age of 40. A large study in Sweden found that when screening began in the 40s, the risk of death from breast cancer decreased by about 29 percent. However, different authorities have different recommendations. The American Cancer Society believes screening should begin at 40 and be done annually thereafter, while the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force suggests that screening start at 50, with follow up screening once every two years.

Physical Therapy

In the United States, about 22% of appointments are made because of upper respiratory issues, but lower back pain is also a leading cause of doctors visits. Whether you need to regain control and function after an injury, or whether a condition has limited your mobility, physical therapy is one very valuable service. Physical therapists can help to recommend pain management solutions, guide therapeutic exercises, and prescribe additional stretches and routines that will help you to heal correctly.

It’s important to choose a health care provider based on their ability to meet your needs, and make you feel comfortable. More and more, urgent care health clinics are filling that gap that is ignored by primary care providers, and specialists. If you need additional services, such as a CT scan, physical therapy, or a mammogram, then turning to your local clinic might result in expert care combined with quicker service. See more: