Knee pain can be very frustrating for anyone who has to deal with it. Of course, pain on its own can be difficult to deal with, but you could also be in a situation where you do not know what is causing it, which in some cases is even worse. There can be a lot of anxiety associated with having an ailment and not knowing the underlying reason. This is why it can be a good idea to go to a doctor as soon as possible when you feel like something might be wrong.
A doctor can tell you what the best treatment for knee pain is in your case. There are many potential causes of all over knee pain, and your doctor can diagnose and treat it. The treatment will often depend quite a bit on the root cause of the knee pain, which the doctor will be able to help you determine as well. In some cases, a doctor might tell you that you have arthritis in both knees or arthritis in one knee, and your treatment will be based on this fact, as well as potential other locations where you might be dealing with arthritis. In some cases, a doctor can provide you with back of knee pain relief if you need it as well.

Your knee is the largest joint in your body, designed to absorb shock when you walk or run, as well as create smooth movement when you perform a variety of physical activities. As a result, knee pain is extremely common, whether it is caused by arthritis, everyday stress, or injury. For this reason, it is important to find effective knee pain treatments that provide the necessary pain relief and help you regain your normal mobility. Read on to learn about some recommended knee pain treatments for this common problem.
One of the most important components of any pain remedy for knee problems is protecting the injured or sore area. If you begin experiencing discomfort, stop what you are doing immediately to take a break. Try elevating the injured knee by taking a seat and placing a small pillow under your leg, being sure to keep all weight off your limb. Over the next several days, try to keep your knee lifted and relaxed as much as possible, massaging the affected area as necessary and reducing stress on the leg.
Use Ice and Heat
Because ice will reduce any pain and swelling, try applying an ice or a cold pack as soon as possible, leaving the pack on for 10 minutes to 20 minutes at a time for three or more times a day. For the first 48 hours, you should avoid sources of heat, including hot showers and alcoholic beverages, to prevent the swelling from returning; however, in two or three days, you should begin to use heat and gentle movement to help ease away stiffness. Heat can be provided by a heated pain relief patch or warm washcloth.
Try Compressing the Area
Wrapping your knee in an elastic bandage can also help reduce swelling. However, the bandage should not be too tight: if your knee feels numb, tingly, pained, cool or swollen, it should be loosened slightly. Moreover, if you feel the need to keep the bandage on for more than three days, speak to your doctor to ensure that no serious problems are present.
Consider Taking Medication
If the knee pain treatments listed above are not having timely results, consider taking anti-inflammatory pain medications, such as aspirin, Ibuprofen and acetaminophen. As with any medication, take these products only as directed and avoid medication you have had negative experiences with in the past. If you feel the need to keep taking these products after three days, speak to your doctor.
Knee pain is a common problem, whether it is caused by activity, arthritis, or injury. Fortunately, by taking a few simple steps, the pain level can typically be decreased and your normal mobility will return. However, patients should also avoid smoking, as well as high-stress physical activities like snowboarding, running, skiing, snowboarding and tennis. If the leg turns blue, feels cool, or symptoms do not improve, seek medical attention immediately.