The first prosthetic breast was produced in 1961 by plastic surgeons with the support of Dow Corning Corporation, and the first breast augmentation was performed a year later. Since that time, there have been significant innovation in the field of plastic surgery and breast implants in particular, as well as an astronomical increase in the number of women partaking of the procedures. In 2011, more than three hundred thousand women had breast implant augmentation. Since the arrival of silicone implants, American breast augmentation procedures have tripled, and three quarters of women stand by their decision to partake.
Tampa plastic surgeons are well versed in the risks, precautions, and options for every procedure and they will walk you through it every step of the way. Tampa plastic surgery is a growing market in recent years. When looking for a plastic surgeon Tampa is often the go to locale for cosmetic procedures, and there are a number of websites that list plastic surgeons in Tampa FL. Any plastic surgeon Tampa can offer will know the difference between silicone and saline breast implants and be able to recommend which is better for your breast anatomy, skin elasticity, and body type. It is important to take care in selecting a plastic surgeon Tampa has to offer, as your comfort is the most important factor in that decision. Reference links: www.fountainofyouth.com