Balding is not uncommon in most men after a certain age. After all, statistics show that at least thirty five million men in the United States are at some stage of balding, though in many of these men the balding is still unnoticeable (it takes up to half of the hair to be gone before it becomes visible to any outward person other than the man himself). By the time man reaches the age of thirty five, he will more likely than not be in the beginning stages of balding. At the age of fifty, just fifteen years later, nearly ninety percent of all men in the United States have thinning hair or full on symptoms of balding, if they have not already gone bald. Going bald can be a traumatic experience for many men but thankfully there are options.
Take that of a FUE hair transplant, for instance. A FUE hair transplant is a hair transplant surgery that is becoming the new standard in hair restoration procedures, gaining popularity over the more well known FUSS procedure. Though A FUSS procedure (or a Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) will often be effective, it is at a considerable cost, as a FUSS procedure requires the removal of a strip of skin from the back of the scalp and transplanting it at the site of the balding. This requires a significant healing time and leaves a considerable scar, preventing the men who have gone through a FUSS procedure to keep their hair at a certain length.
A FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction) provides a viable alternative to the standard FUSS procedure. The FUE hair transplant procedure is superior in many ways, as it works by harvesting naturally occurring clumps of hair (typically as many of four strands, though this number can be higher or slightly lower) and planting them in the locations where balding is occurring. This reduces the length of the recovery time, as the hair transplant is much less invasive than the removal of a strip of skin that the FUSS procedure requires. It also eliminates the scar that the FUSS surgery causes, giving FUE hair transplant patients more freedom with their appearance once the treatment has been completed.
The process of balding can be an emotionally difficult and even emotionally painful one, as many men are (rightfully so) attached to their hair. Fortunately there are alternatives with proven success rates, such as the FUSS hair transplant procedure or a FUE hair transplant procedure. Though both of these hair restoration procedures have been proven to work (at least to some extent) on almost every man, it is important to not that the FUE hair transplant procedure is the superior procedure in a number of ways, from the significantly reduced recovery time (when compared to the FUSS hair transplant procedure) and the elimination of the extensive scar and numerous complications that a FUSS hair transplant often entails. Many men consider all hope as lost when they begin to lose their hair, but this is not the case. In fact, hair thinning and hair loss (commonly referred to as balding) is widespread throughout the United States in men of all ages – though the risk of balding increases as men age. Fortunately, there are a number of steps that a man who is balding can take to reduce the appearance of his hair loss and even reverse it, such as the FUE hair transplant procedure. A FUE hair transplant procedure can increase a man’s confidence through the restoration of his hair.