4 Tips for EMF Radiation Protection

Emf protection for cordless phones

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are everywhere on earth. They are formed by electrically charged objects and have been shown to impact human health. Studies on kids aged eight to 17 and 81 to 91 have shown that short-term exposure to EMF radiation is responsible for headaches, irritability and problems with concentration. While scientists differ on how much protection is required, it is clear that consumers should consider investing in electromagnetic protection products to protect themselves and their families.

Ways to Block EMF

  1. Educate yourself and learn about EMF dangers.

The Most Dangerous Killer in America Heart Disease What You Need to Know

Cardiac electrophysiology

As early as the 5th or 6th century BC, Alcmaeon of Croton believed that the brain was the source of intelligence. This view was later refuted by the Greek philosopher and teacher to Alexander the Great, Aristotle, who believed that the heart was the source of knowledge as early as the 4th century BC. As time went on we learned more about our bodies: although psychology is still in its infancy, cardiology has made a number of advances to help keep hearts beating and patients healthy.… Read More...

How the Urgent Care Revolution is Changing the Way Patients are Treated

Urgent care clinics

Over the last few years the American healthcare field has experienced several shifts in response to new legislation such as the Affordable Care Act. The most notable change is in urgent care or walk in clinics, which have swept the nation; there are an estimated 6,800 urgent care or walk in clinics in the U.S. with most of which located in free-standing buildings.

Short Wait Times

They call it urgent care for a reason: a survey found that 57% of urgent care patients waited no more than 15 minutes to be seen with 80% of all visits taking 60 minutes or less for full-treatment.… Read More...