
My 3 Great Unmet Needs as a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes, the Reason I Became an Osteopathic Doctor

In the US, more than 34 million people are diabetic and it’s been a little over a year since I was diagnosed with type 1. In that time, I’ve learned a lot about my condition and what it means for my day-to-day.

One thing that has become clear is that there are three areas in which I need more support: understanding my blood sugar levels, learning to cook for myself, and finding ways to exercise without putting too much stress on my body.… Read More...


Why You Need Regular Eye Exams

Many people take their vision for granted, especially if they have never experienced any difficulty. For those who haven’t been able to maintain 20/20 vision, eye exams are not a new concept. However, regular eye exams are essential to making sure your overall health is maintained.

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Regular eye exams will ensure that any changes in your vision are noticed and corrected. If your vision worsens and you do not have adequate corrective lenses, the degradation of your eyes can be intensified.… Read More...


Tips For Restoring Your Skin

Are you interested in learning about the health of your skin? It may be a beneficial idea for you to make a hydrafacial appointment with a skincare treatment company near you. There are many people who notice that their skin may have acne, scars, or lines that have come with age. Some people say that they wish they knew about how important skincare is in their early years.

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Your skin deserves to be treated in a pain-free way on a deeper level than just facial wash from any drug store.… Read More...


Different Ways to Fix Up Your House to Make it Healthier to Live in

After building your house, you want it to provide the right services for your family. Ensure it has the right features and fixtures to help meet your expectations. You, however, need to keep up with repair and maintenance needs to fix your house and make it better and healthier for your family. Therefore, understanding the different ways to fix up your house to make it healthier to live becomes vital. Consider the following tips.

Do Your Research When Remodeling

To a larger extent, the major repair, renovation, and remodeling projects you implement in your home can make it healthier or not.… Read More...


What To Expect During Your First Chiropractic Adjustment

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, you may be unsure of what to expect when you arrive. Afterward, how will you feel about yourself? During a chiropractic visit, what precisely happens? Many folks are also concerned about the possibility of pain during the procedure.
You will be taken to a chiropractic treatment room after you have checked in for your appointment. The chiropractor will ask you a number of questions regarding your health history, symptoms, and the length of time you’ve been experiencing these symptoms.… Read More...


How to Prepare for Your Virtual Doctor Visit

Constant physical hospital visits can be stressful. Not only do you have to find time for those medical checkups, but also you have to put up with the transport system in place. And with the breakout of COVID-19, physical meetings have reduced significantly. And this is why virtual meetings come in handy. Many organizations have resolved to use technology to facilitate virtual meetings that do not allow people to meet in offices or large conference halls.

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That has also been replicated in the field of medicine.… Read More...