In the United States, the Oxycontin Generation is coming of age, and sadly, many are turning to drugs like heroin. As a result, overdoses and addiction to opiates are rising all over the United States. And addiction doesn’t discriminate; Americans of all ages, from all walks of life, are suffering. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at least 11 million Americans have used Oxycontin recreationally since Purdue released their highly addictive new formula in 1996. And while not all of these users go on to become addicts, for many, Oxycontin was the first step on a long road to heroin addiction.… Read More...
How to Tell if You Should Undergo the Ibogaine Treatment Program
In the world of addiction treatment, it seems like everyone is talking about ibogaine. Over the last few years, a growing body of research — both anecdotal and scientific — has emerged to support this substance as one of the most effective treatments for addiction available in the world.
However, ibogaine is an illegal substance in the U.S. Because of this, thousands of Americans are flocking to places like Mexico, where ibogaine has been legal since 2009, to seek out ibogaine treatment programs.… Read More...
The Vital Roles of Detox Centers in the United States

Unfortunately, alcohol and drug addiction are diseases that simply will not go away, and probably never will. This is obvious by the fact that a detox center can be found in virtually every town. There are many levels of drugs with addictions that manifest themselves in different levels of severity. Alcohol and marijuana are considered the mildest, and most common, drugs; and thus, marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States. However, some claim that it is the gateway drug, and it leads heavy users to seek a greater high through harder, more addictive drugs from prescription pain killers to meth, cocaine, and heroine.… Read More...