
How to Heal After a Car Accident

A car accident is a harrowing event for anyone, both mentally and physically. If an accident has caused you any discomfort, injury, or pain, it can make getting back to regular life challenging.

Many people try and ‘shake off’ accidents to get back to their usual routines without getting proper care. But, it’s essential to know how to heal when it comes to accidents.

It’s vital that you consult a physician even if you think your injuries are minor. Why? Because a physician will conduct a proper exam to see if there are any lingering issues.… Read More...


Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma is a common problem seen in the eyes of people as we age. If you have glaucoma there are a few different treatment options. In this article, we are going to discuss glaucoma treatment options.

The first glaucoma treatment that we are going to talk about is eye drops. Your doctor may prescribe you certain eye drops that you will have to use a couple of times a day.

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There are a few different kinds of eye drops that you can use for glaucoma, and it will just depend on how severe of a case you have.… Read More...


Poor Roofing Practices Could Lead to Injury

When we think of staying healthy, we often think of eating the right foods and getting the right amounts of exercise. However, we don’t often think about the decisions we make when it comes to things such as roofing. Roofing is dangerous and sometimes it only takes one wrong decision to lead to a lifetime of hurt. Think of how many people have fallen off roofs and ladders and broken their backs. This is why it is important to make sure you have your ladder solidly planted on the ground with three points of contact.… Read More...


Why You Need to Be Extra Careful Removing Trees

Trees are an important part to your health. Specifically, the oxygen they create. It is always a good idea to spend some time outside and breath in the fresh air. Fresh air can do wonders for your health if you have been cooped up inside all day. Plus, vitamin D from the sunshine is good for you too.

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However, sometimes it is necessary to remove an old tree that is rotting and is just a little too close to your house.… Read More...


What You Need to Know About Community Health Centers

Community health centers play a crucial role in delivering primary health care to all populations, regardless of whether they’re uninsured or unfit to pay for medical services. The YouTube video “What is a Community Health Center” looks into the rise of community health centers over the years and how they’ve become such an invaluable part of local American communities.

In the mid-1960s, the first community health clinics, also known as neighborhood health centers, were established. Well-meaning physicians and medical professionals established them to provide free or low-cost health care to people in local communities who would otherwise have limited or no access to it.… Read More...


What Dictates Hospital Prices?

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Anyone who has spent time in a hospital knows that it can be an unpleasant experience. Outside of the physical and mental trauma caused by a medical emergency, hospital care is expensive. This video lays out some of the reasons hospital care in the U. S. is so expensive.

In the U.S. it is often thought that private companies do a more efficient job at producing goods and services at lower prices. However, American healthcare costs are higher than many other countries.… Read More...


You Are Probably Doing Dental Care Wrong

You might be doing all the things that dentists tell you to do. You could be brushing your teeth regularly and flossing. Yet, you might be doing it completely wrong.

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You wouldn’t be alone. Many Americans don’t know that they are brushing their teeth wrong. Watch this video to learn why.

The first issue is that you may not be brushing long enough. Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes. You want to ensure that you brush every surface.… Read More...


What to Expect at the Eye Doctor

When a child needs to go to eye doctors, whether for a routine eye exam or to diagnose a particular issue, the child may be scared, especially if it is their first time visiting the eye doctor. Not knowing what to expect can create unknowns in the child’s mind that are scary. That’s why it’s important to keep them informed before, during, and after the appointment.

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In this video, you will learn what a child can expect while visiting the eye doctor so that your own child does not need to worry.… Read More...