
How a Dentist Fills a Cavity

The process of filling a cavity is something any dentist knows like the back of their hand. Watch this video to learn how a dentist fills an average cavity.

First the dentist will take your blood pressure being numbing you up.

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Next they might apply a topical anesthetic on your tissue so you won’t feel the pinch from the needle. Then they will insert the actual anesthetic so you won’t feel anything throughout the procedure. Following this, they will rinse out your mouth with water and wait for you to get numb.… Read More...


Different Types of Acne Treatments and What You Should Know

This video is to inform viewers on what an acne treatment is and the different kinds of treatments that are right for you. Acne is common and is mostly evidence of a hormonal imbalance that is happening within the body. Acne can be caused by genes, stress, dietary issues such as lack of nutrients and water, as well as bacteria caused by frequent touching of the face or even dirty bed pillows or facial towels.

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Figuring out what kind acne you have is important because it can lead you to a solution through an acne treatment.… Read More...


Heres When to Take a Trip to an ENT

When should you schedule an appointment with an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor? The Ogden Regional Medical Center wants to help you understand the process.

When a primary care physician has exhausted all medical treatment options, the next step will be to see an ENT specialist. These doctors are medical experts who treat health concerns limited to the head and neck area. They can help you narrow down what is causing your health issues and help you return to everyday life.… Read More...


What To Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

There are many benefits to cosmetic dentistry. For example, one of the strongest benefits is good oral health. Often, people think that having good oral health just means toothbrushing.

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However, there is more to it than that. Flossing is often very important, as it helps to get food pieces from between one’s teeth. Moreover, doing research for cosmetic dentistry is just as important. People can get their teeth cleaned, which can aid in a new smile, tooth filling, etc.… Read More...


The Basics of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer care is a difficult but nevertheless important issue that will eventually have to be dealt with by a large percentage of the human population. The video emphasized what caregivers need to know about Alzheimer’s disease and its effects, and also what they can do to help both themselves and those receiving the assistance.

Alzheimer’s disease involves the progressive deterioration of the brain. Although it can develop during the middle years, nearly half of those so afflicted are aged 85 and older.… Read More...


My 3 Great Unmet Needs as a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes, the Reason I Became an Osteopathic Doctor

In the US, more than 34 million people are diabetic and it’s been a little over a year since I was diagnosed with type 1. In that time, I’ve learned a lot about my condition and what it means for my day-to-day.

One thing that has become clear is that there are three areas in which I need more support: understanding my blood sugar levels, learning to cook for myself, and finding ways to exercise without putting too much stress on my body.… Read More...


Why You Need Regular Eye Exams

Many people take their vision for granted, especially if they have never experienced any difficulty. For those who haven’t been able to maintain 20/20 vision, eye exams are not a new concept. However, regular eye exams are essential to making sure your overall health is maintained.

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Regular eye exams will ensure that any changes in your vision are noticed and corrected. If your vision worsens and you do not have adequate corrective lenses, the degradation of your eyes can be intensified.… Read More...


Tips For Restoring Your Skin

Are you interested in learning about the health of your skin? It may be a beneficial idea for you to make a hydrafacial appointment with a skincare treatment company near you. There are many people who notice that their skin may have acne, scars, or lines that have come with age. Some people say that they wish they knew about how important skincare is in their early years.

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Your skin deserves to be treated in a pain-free way on a deeper level than just facial wash from any drug store.… Read More...