Untreated Sleep Apnea Can Increase Your Risk Of Heart Attack How To Find Out If You Have A Disorder

Fixed cpap machine

When you can’t sleep, your life can only follow suit.

Millions of Americans struggle with being able to get a full night’s sleep. This is no exaggerated figure, as studies have shown as many as 18 million suffering from different degrees of sleep apnea…and that’s before they even touch on insomnia, chronic pain and additional issues that negatively impact a positive REM cycle. If you have any fears about your health and its connection to a sleeping disorder, you may be interested to learn about CPAP machine effectiveness.… Read More...

Why Discomfort Shouldn’t Be an Excuse for Untreated Sleep Apnea Any Longer

Cpap supplies online

Sleep apnea is a condition where an individual has cessations in their breathing multiple times per night due to airway constrictions. It is estimated that nearly 18 million
Americans across the country are affected by sleep apnea, but many of them are unaware of how the condition affects them. Some figures suggest that two to four percent of all Americans may have an undiagnosed case of sleep apnea: that is one in every 50 people. Extreme snoring may be a tell-tale sign of sleep apnea; here are some reasons why one may want to visit a doctor to get their sleep apnea under control.… Read More...