The Unknown Dangers of Electromagnetic Field Exposure

Bioshield necklace

An electromagnetic field is the physical field produced by electrically charged objects such as laptops, cellphones, and electromagnets of course. Although you cannot see an electromagnetic field (EMF), studies have found that EMFs may be linked to several health concerns; bioelectromagnetics is the study of the relationship between organic beings and EMFs. Here is how families around the world address the question of electromagnetic radiation protection.

Unknown EMF Dangers

When most people picture radiation, they tend to think of the devastating exposure to nuclear fallout that follows an atomic blast.… Read More...

Managing Employee Benefits By the Numbers!

Part time employee health benefits

Employee benefits can be incredibly complicated to figure out, especially if you’re looking for help regarding employee benefits for small business owners. Luckily, there are plenty of services and solutions available which can provide valuable human resources software to manage all the smallest details.

In fact, you might not even realize just how big this industry actually is, and how important your employee benefits management is! Here’s a quick look at some surprising facts in the industry that you’ll definitely need to know:

  • 12 weeks: This is the number of weeks that employees are guaranteed, within a 12-month period, if they experience the birth of a child or need to care for an immediate family member.

The Three Essentials to Staying Healthy and Fit

Piyo fitness

Figuring out how to stay healthy, trim and active in today?s word of busyness and ultra-convenience can be a bit difficult. Many options are available to help us, be it a fitness plan or something like the piyo diet plan. These make for very helpful resources but it?s important to understand the three simple basics of keeping oneself healthy before seeking out aid in your wellness journey. These basics can be summed up as physical activity, diet, and weight maintenance, all three of which are necessary to being in the best possible shape you can be.… Read More...