
How to Protect Your Skin from the Sun

In this video you will learn important tips for staying safe in the sun in order to ensure your skin protection. These tips are especially important if you suffer from skin conditions or if you’re at a higher risk for skin cancer, and will help you learn if you are included in that higher risk. It also includes information specific to children and infants.

Some of the things you can do to protect yourself are keeping your skin out of the sun, whether by staying in the shade or wearing long sleeves and pants.… Read More...


How To Apply Histofreezer

Do you have any common warts or benign lesions? Things that have been bothering you for a long time, but you just don’t know how to deal with it? It might be time to look into Histofreezer as it can solve all of these problems for you and be the wart remover you’ve been looking for.

Histofreezer, a form of new cryotherapy, is a quick and easy portable cryosurgical system that freezes the wart or lesion and kills any of the cells that would usually multiply and make the situation worse.… Read More...


Different Types of Covid Tests

While the Covid pandemic continues to be relevant in our society, it’s important to stay vigilant in the fight against the virus. It’s essential to have covid tests if you believe that you have been exposed. At the time this video was taken, this facility had performed over 815,000 covid tests. We will discuss the various types of covid tests available to you.

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First, the molecular test diagnoses active coronavirus infection. This especially important to get if you have symptoms of the virus.… Read More...