This summer’s family reunion was quite a wake up call. In the past, the reunions were a way to spend time with family members who you only saw once or twice a year. This year, however, you could tell that your parents, aunts, and uncles are aging. Instead of bing the ones who had organized these events in the past, their were thankful for anyone who was willing to not only help at this summer’s gathering, but also volunteer to be in charge of next summer as well.
Although there were certainly times when the older generation seemed to be a little too bossy or particular about the details of these gatherings, this year you found yourself a little lonely for those who used to be in charge. Those who still made you feel like a kid even when you were a grown adult. As you had the weekend to watch the eventual changing of the guard, you realized that it would not be too many more years when you will need to look at some important care decisions about your patents’ future living arrangements.
Even though most people want to live in their own homes as long as possible, many people reach a point in their lives where they need to consider what other options are available. Aging at home is a great alternative if it works, but if you or a loved one are reaching a point in your lives when you need to consider other options, it is important to look at these choices as soon as possible.
Planning for the Future Helps People Face Difficult Life Challenges
The disadvantage of growing old is the aging process itself. And while there are many people who benefit from living a long and healthy life, there are also a number of people who face a growing number of concerns as the aging process itself takes its toll. Fortunately, there is a growing industry that is structured to provide memory care in nursing homes and other types of assisted living environments.
Whether they you are looking ahead for your future care or are looking at options from your own care as you get older, there are many options to consider. From the latest assisted living locations that allow residents to transition into different levels of care to the more traditional nursing homes that have entire wings set aside for memory care patients, there are a great number of options in today’s society.
Elderly Living Arrangements Continue to Cater to Memory Care Patients
Finding the care that you need for yourself or your parents and grandparents can be a difficult challenge to approach. Although the conversations are not always easy, it is important to make sure that you address these topics sooner rather than later. When you are faced with an emergency decision that needs to made, the challenge of making sure that you find the right solution can be even more stressful.
Consider these facts and figures about the assisted living and memory care options that are becoming an increasingly popular part of America’s aging population:
- 54% of assisted living residents are 85 or older, according to data from 2010.
- The happiest retirees engage is three to four activities regularly, according to 2015 data.
- 40% of all assisted living facilities provide some skilled care for their residents.
- As someone who is mobile but needs help with two or three daily living activities, the typical resident of an assisted living facility is an 87 year old woman.
- The number of beds available in assisted living facilities had reached 1.2 million by 2010. This number represents an 18% increase from the 1 million that were available in the year 2007.
- From 10 or so beds to more than 100, assisted living facilities can vary in size.
- 48% of respondents reported being happier in retirement than expected, according to a recent survey about retirement.
- There were 22,200 assisted living or other similar residential care communites in the U.S. in the year 2012.
Finding the right care options for parents and grandparents is an important transition for many families. Although many of these conversations are not easy to have, they are also conversations that get more difficult the longer you wait.